Auto Enrolment Obligations

Auto enrolment has arrived and, if you’re an employer, you need to ensure that you’ve fulfilled your obligations for auto enrolment pensions.
That’s true regardless of how many employees you have — even if it’s just you.

If there is just one of you, or you have 30 employees, as an employer you will need to:

• Assess your workforce
• Review your pension arrangements
• Communicate with all of your workers
• Automatically enrol eligible workers into a pension scheme
• Register with The Pensions Regulator
• Keep appropriate records
• Make contributions to your workers’ pensions

We make sure that we discuss your obligations with you and we manage them for you, making sure you don’t miss any filing deadlines, or payments.

Auto enrolment may sound like a headache, but ultimately saving for a pension is a good idea for everyone so it pays to make sure you’re on top of it.